What are Multi-Width and Dual-Width floors?

For centuries the traditional natural wood flooring boards varied in width sizes due to the log widths and was milled as such to efficiently utilize the cut of lumber.

Over the past 80 years and the introduction of mechanised mills and later modern machinery for hardwood flooring has meant that hardwood floors were sold in fixed widths allowing for more precise milling that was efficient as well cost-effective but leaving very little to the imagination.

Why Have Multi-With or Dual Width Hardwood Flooring?

Having different width planks creates a more natural appearance of a traditional hardwood floor that is less universal and least manufactured looking.  

With the use of different widths boards, you can create a stunning floor that stands out from that of the run of the mill oak hardwood floors that most people purchase from DIY retailers or standard flooring outlets.

Today design trends are about creating a unique statement, the application of mixed-width boards in your home creates a natural-looking wood floor that feels and looks authentic in various trending colours and finishes.

The great appeal about having different width boards across many rooms is that it brings out great character across the installed area as it carves its way into each room seamlessly.

When installing Dual-Width and Multi-Width Oak hardwood flooring you need to allow for wastage and try and imagine/plan how you want the boards to be laid so you can calculate where each plank may be placed prior to installation.

Dual-Width Oak Hardwood Floors

Dual-Width Oak wood floors consist of two different widths; these will tend to be typically 190mm and 240mm in width size. Dual-Width boards are installed side by side breaking up the basic standard of one-sized width board which, let’s be honest, can be monotonous.  

Multi-Width Oak Hardwood Floors

Multi-Width Oak wood floors consist of three different widths; these will tend to be typically of a 150mm narrow 180/190mm mid-sized and 240mm wider boards.

The Multi-Width boards can be installed in sequence by size order or by randomly applying the varying widths side by side which really gives  the surface area serious dimension breaking up the monotonous standard single-width board. It also delivers true character.

Browse our growing range and choices of Dual-Width and Multi-width Oak Hardwood floors [Click Here]

Visit our catalogue pages to see the full range available or for more information and a free consultation please contact the Sales Team at: 0333 533 3330

If you are looking to buy oak flooring online we have partnered with Maples & Birch who have one of the largest rages of oak and other species wood flooring in the UK

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